About RDavid Painting


After his Premium Painting Inc. business partner of 15 years decided to retire, Robert David started R David Painting in 2017. With over 25 years of painting experience, including field work, sales, and management painting is his trade. Our team is tight knit and works together to finish project by combining their efforts.

We're a painting contracting company that works to make sure our customers expectations are exceeded with the finished product. We work with you to achieve what your inspiration deserves. We have focused mainly on high end residential and commercial spaces.

Contact Us

RDavid Painting LLC

12014 E. First Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99216, United States

Robert David 509.998.7500 Robert David's email rob@rdavidpainting.com Office Email rdavidpaintingllc@gmail.com


Monday - Friday: 8am - 6pm

Saturday - Sunday: Closed